About Moldavite

Moldavite Tecktite

moldavite from Besednice

Tektites are generally defined as silica based glassy meteorites. Most tektites have scarred surfaces, are tar black to blackish brown in color and are rarely larger than two inches wide. Moldavite belongs to the tektite family and is one of the rarest varieties manifesting in a gem quality bottle green to brown green color.

There are two theories concerning the origin of Moldavite Tektite. One is that it has evolved in the deep archives of outer space and is a true meteorite. The other school of thought, which is more widely accepted, is that Moldavite Tektite was formed from rock which melted after being hit by a meteorite. This would indicate that Moldavite Tektite is a rare and wonderful mergence of that which is extra-terrestrial in origin with that which is born out of the womb of the earth. Whatever the case may be, these advanced crystalline structures entered the earth’s atmosphere in meteorite, asteroid or comet form to serve a very special purpose for those inhabiting the earth at this time. Being known as the extra-terrestrial gemstone, Moldavite Tektite is among the rarest of gems and is obviously a true gift from the heavens. Manifesting an unearthly green ray, Moldavite Tektite will lend its extraterrestrial transmission to profoundly impact the consciousness of those who choose to attune to its frequency.

Moldavite Tektite essentially has two important functions. First, it is one of the only stones in existence on the planet at this time that will assist Star Children to acclimate to an earth plane environment. Moldavite Tektite has very much in common with beings originating from the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion and other star systems. It, too, has travelled a long distance, through vast oceans of space, to arrive on this planet named Terra. It, too, has its origin in regions and realms that until recently were beyond our comprehension. It, too, is intimately connected to sources of knowledge and energy that will serve in the healing and awakening of the human race. Sharing these vital similarities, Moldavite Tektite will lend an ear of understanding and a heart of compassion to those beings who are struggling to adjust in a world of such drastically opposing polarities. The new green ray that Moldavite transmits is a combination of green and brown, of healing (green) on the earth (brown).

Many souls now inhabiting physical bodies have come into this world seemingly unequipped to deal with the elements of human suffering, emotionalism and the material realities inherent on this plane of existence. The source that these highly sensitive beings originated from was very different in nature and spiritual climate than that of this earth. Our earth, named Terra, is indeed a very powerful, moody and beautiful creature, which can never be underestimated or accurately predicted. Her peoples are as diversified as is her terrain. Her fertility and ability to yield life is unsurpassed in our universe. And yet, she is temperamental and can become angry and suddenly reactive. Now, Terra has become fearful for her own survival and has sent out a call into the mighty universe for assistance in her own liberation from the life forms upon her surface that would seek to do her harm.

This call has been heard from afar. Now, besides the chosen ones (see ‘those who choose to stay, Crystal Healing, Vol. II, pages 157-159) who have worked diligently on Terra’s behalf for millenniums, other soular breeds are incarnating in order to reseed the earth with a new race of being. The only problem is that for many of these freshly incarnating souls this is their first time in a physical body. Many of them haven’t a clue as to how to deal with inhaling and exhaling an atmosphere, let alone dealing with such things as the physical senses, emotions, and mind sets such as separateness and sin. Many of these star souls are unable to fully integrate their expanded consciousness into the physical brain structure and are experiencing epilepsy, brain imbalances and malfunctions, and autism. Moldavite Tektite can be placed on any (or all) of the chakras on the head to treat any of the above mentioned dis-eases. It can also be successfully used in the treatment of the psychological-emotional distresses that can accompany such maladjusted human-light beings. The healing earth-green of Moldavite Tektite greatly assists, not only in activating the healing energy so vitally needed for these souls, but also in the grounding process and evolutionary advancement of these new breeds upon the earth.

raw moldavite from Besednice

The second purpose that Moldavite Tektite will serve is in conscious communication with the star-seed sources of origin. It is a healing balm for the deep longing of so many people (the chosen ones) to go home. This heartache is a common malady among those who are consciously remembering who they are and where they came from. If placed upon the third eye, Moldavite will assist in conscious communication with the source related to as home. It also relays into the mind of those using this stone the message that “transforming Terra is of utmost importance and the earth has become the chosen home. ” This may come as a severe shock to many souls who are waiting for the big opportunity to beam-up; but harsh as it may seem, the message remains the same.

Once star souls enter the earth plane experience and master the five senses, they undergo an extraordinary evolutionary process which is unknown and incomprehensible to those folks back home. They have engaged in experiences and have grown in ways that have transformed the very nature of their beings and altered their identity forever. Returning to the star system related to as home would be like moving back to your parents’ house after you have been out in the world on your own for forty years and expecting everything to be the same as when you left.

Those beings who are freshly arriving, as well as those who have been through the entire physical plane cycle, are now at a bountiful harvest time. They have an incredible and unique opportunity at hand to literally recreate the earth in a way that will encompass the spiritual laws of home into this physical world. That is the purpose. That is why these souls are here. That is the hope and the glory of this whole divine experiment. Moldavite Tektite will ease the deep longing for home and assist in creating the willingness to be here and stay grounded in order to create a reality that includes so much more than the one known in a far distant past. It will assist star souls to accept with pleasure the opportunities that exist now on Terra for full scale transformation.

Moldavite Tektite, if placed or worn at the heart chakra, will heal the longing for home so that home will truly be where the heart is. If placed at the third eye and/or meditated with, it will transmit and translate original laws and revolutionary new ideas into the consciousness for manifestation onto the earth. If used consistently, it will activate the higher brain centers and reawaken latent memories, knowledge, and information. Moldavite Tektite can also facilitate direct telepathic communication with extraterres¬trials or friends ‘back home. ‘ In so doing, evolutionary information can be communicated back and forth. This will benefit both those on the earth and those beings aligned with the same star system yet not incarnated in the physical plane at this time. To increase the effects of this type of interdimensional communication, use Moldavite Tektite in conjunction with The Transmitter Crystals (see Crystal Healing, Vol. II, pages 111-119).

As with Selenite, it is important when working with Moldavite Tektite to work with other stones that will assist in grounding and assimilating the energies that will be conducted through this higher octave crystalline form. Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Black Onyx, dark Rhodonite and Hawkeye are all beneficial stones to use when working with Moldavite Tektite. They will facilitate the proper integration of the stellar rays that Moldavite transmits. If not properly grounded, Moldavite Tektite can take you too far out there and leave you spaced out and disassociated with the physical plane, which in return can create even more turmoil. Use this stone with those that need to accept physical reality and balance with the earth plane elements. Please do not use this powerful energy to merely identify with the ethers. Instead, use it to incorporate the reality of other worlds onto Terra. Moldavite Tektite answered the call that Terra sent out for healing. It is here to transmit its earth-green ray into the very heart and soul of Terra’s star breeds.

Source:The Crystalline Transmission, A Synthesis of Light, by Katrina Raphael. ISBN 0-943358337 Aurora Press, 1990, pp 241 – 245

Holy Grail with Green Stone from Leonardo da Vinci
A reverse image superimposed over Leonardo’s Last Supper
shows the Holy Grail with a green stone

The Moldavite Story

A green crystal – known as the Moldavite Stone

moldavite from Besednice

In earlier days, when we first moved to the Southern Highlands, I was awakened from a deep sleep and asked by a voice from ‘upstairs’ to find a green crystal.

I thought that was strange, as I had never seen a green crystal. Always dutiful to my spiritual guidance I decided to travel to Sydney on other errands but also with intention to call into a well established “Esoteric Bookshop” where I knew crystals were sold.

Later, upon arriving at the shop I asked the owners if they had any green crystals? To my surprise they presented to me a tray of smallish green crystals they called a Moldavite glass stone. I was advised that it was actually a tektite that came from outer space and was only found near the Moldau River in Czechoslavakia.

I gazed at the tray of stones with one catching my eye as if it was saying, “Pick me, Pick me.” As I lifted the small stone toward me I was overcome with a blinding white light and a strong male disembodied voice spoke to me, saying “You are going home.” “Going home?” what on earth was he speaking about. I was shaking badly and had to sit down – the shopkeeper was concerned about my reaction and ushered me to a chair. In fact she suggested I lie on a massage table in another room until I recovered and she also said “It is not the first time someone has had a reaction to these moldavite stones.”

It took about 1 hour for me to steady myself. I found the stone was a 17 carat stone and the numerology of the price was 17 – my birthday is on a 17 day so I considered that to be a sign and decided to buy it. I still couldn’t touch the stone – so the shopkeeper, very kindly understanding what was going on, wrapped it in a box and placed into my handbag. It was several weeks before I could actually hold it, introducing the energy of the stone to myself, touching it with one finger only, until it felt comfortable.

This experience was in the year 1986, and it wasn’t until I received the Aboriginal sacred stone in 1994 and the stories that followed from that time, did I realize that the message I received “I was going home” was referring to a memory from my soul being a Star Person and coming from the Pleiades in the huge Mother ship Rexegena. That story told of 50,000 Star People coming to Earth in Peace – to hold Divine Light on this Earth and to assist in creating the transformation of the hairy up-standing-ape into the Human form – meaning a ‘Light man’

We had been stranded on Earth as our defenceless Mother ship had been attacked and blown out of the sky. We struggled to survive; with no way of returning from whence we had come. The full journey is soon to be completed. If you wish to read about the disaster and its positive outcome – it is available as an eBook and soon a reprint of the book Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created, will also be available.

My recent research advises that the Moldavite stone is also known as the “Grail Stone” or “Star-born Stone.”

Scientists say that millions of years ago there was a meteorite shower, and this rare, bottle-green crystal was the result. It belongs to a group of Tektites, which are fragments of extraterrestrial objects such as meteorites and the ensuing melted combination with terrestrial rocks when they crash to the earth.

Moldavite is named for an area of Czechoslovakia in which a large crater field was discovered. They are among the most rare minerals on earth, rarer than diamonds, emeralds, or rubies, and prized by humans for thousands of years.

Holy Grail with Green Stone from Leonardo da Vinci
A reverse image superimposed over Leonardo’s Last Supper
shows the Holy Grail with a green stone

According to legend, the clear, deep green stone in the Holy Grail was Moldavite. and anyone who touches the “Grail Stone” will have a spiritual transformation. (Didn’t the ancients know something which has since been forgotten – before we remembered the source of the Moldavite?)

This stone activates the ‘”dream states” and is said to induce positive life changes and also helps widen our cosmic consciousness. It is helpful for personal and spiritual growth, and to release old habits about which you are aware, deep down, need to go.

I certainly have gained cosmic consciousness and now I am able to assist others to connect to theirs.

I have a memory of the Mothership Rexegena (refer to The mission of the Mothership Rexegena ) and had a dream when I witnessed it exploding portion, by portion, after it had been attacked. (see also Notes re technology aboard the Mothership ) In my memory (and many other peoples’ memory) the Mothership was stationed on the outer atmosphere of the planet Earth. The ship was organic. With the starpeople’s technical ability they were able to make it grow into the magnificent ‘state of the arc’ piece of equipment – when it was raised on the 8th planet of the constellation of the Pleiades.

The explosion in my dream looked like a nuclear explosion – hotter than the sun, causing the Mothership to melt. Many perished on board.

IT WOULD HAVE FALLEN TO EARTH—and this is what is now named the Moldavite Stone. Our memory tells us some of its remains went into water and some onto land – mainly around Bohemia and Moravia, of the Czech Republic.

raw moldavite from Besednice

Scientists are still baffled about Moldavites and their source. Refer to the origin of Moldavites (on the Wayback Machine, a web archive) and about moldavites (both on the same website).

From a geological point of view, moldavites belong among the so-called tektites. This word comes from the Greek word tektos, which means ‘melted’ ; and was first employed by the geologist Franz Sues in the year 1900

When I was first awakened by Spirit and asked to find a “a green crystal” I had no idea they existed, let alone the story that has since unfolded about The Mothership Rexegena.

Czech moldavites hold an especially significant position among other tektites. They are the only tektites that are transparent (glass like) and that stand out with a variety of green shades.

I do not find it difficult to accept that the Mothership melted and fell to earth, and that the dating of the Moldavite Stone could be confusing unless it was accepted that the substance comprising what we now called Moldavite was first made by Star Peoples and hence needing a different approach in human scientific enquiry.

Body Snatching


This article is an addendum to my article about Does the Soul exist? and the story of how souls can be exchanged with permission from The Source.

This is a story of a soul exchange taking place without permission from The Source.

Body Snatching

A friend of mine, we shall call her Shirley, had a young niece that as a young teenager was caught up with taking illegal drugs and the pitfalls that follow that.


Shirley and her husband had felt that the young girl, Nancy, was in trouble while her parents were overseas. So they traveled to the city to find her. And find her they did. Sharing a house in the middle of the city, with three young men who were heavily into drugs and shooting up as the saying goes.

My friends were extremely worried about her as she admitted to using some of the needles. Contracting AIDS was, of course, a big fear. They managed to coax her to come and live with them with Nancy only agreeing to move if she could bring her boyfriend with her. Needless to say he was also heavily into drugs and as they soon found out had a negative ‘Police history” and was visited regularly by his Probation Officer.

the boyfriend

They put up with him being in their house for their young niece’s sake, quietly praying that he would soon leave – especially when they had to put their foot down in that he wasn’t to use drugs while in their house. Eventually the girl lost interest in him and confided she didn’t want him around anymore. This was great news to our friends so that when the ‘boyfriend’ complained about her lack of attention he was advised it was probably best that he leave. Which to their great relief, he did.

Nancy then began to make a normal life for herself, with a good job and regular money to pay off a car.

Her parents eventually returned from overseas and she moved back to live with them.

On her 21st birthday we were all invited to her birthday party where we met the new man in her life who was learning to fly an aeroplane and taking her on joy flights. We were all very happy for her and relieved that she seemed to be getting her life back together again, and planning to marry soon.

joy flight

I was sitting musing about this at the party when a “voice” spoke to me from someone who seemed to be standing beside me, although in spirit, saying, “He is not nice you know.” I knew the spirit was referring to Nancy’s new boyfriend.

My startled question to the spirit was why? I was advised that the original soul in his body had not been able to return to his body after a drug overdose while being treated in hospital. It gets a little complicated in the telling – for the new soul in the young man’s body was actually a soul /spirit who had ‘jumped’ into the body while it was in a vulnerable state. In other words he had stolen the body without permission from The Source. There is a Karmic Board that operates in the transitional worlds from our Souls leaving our body and returning to the World of Light. That same Karmic Board overviews all souls who sojourn in an earthbody from its birth until its death.

To explain further, Nancy’s father had accidentally died from an overdose of drugs and alcohol when she was only a little girl. He was, what is known as a lost soul or a ghost that had been hanging around in the Astral (or the next world) trying to cause mischief between her mother and her new husband. They joked about the chandelier rattling when they were in bed, not really taking the experience very seriously.

lost soul

The lost unhappy soul continued to “hang around” and later began trying to entice his daughter to kill herself so that he could have her company with him in his lost world. He was influencing her to ‘try drugs’ and nearly succeeded in getting her to end her life through contracting AIDS by using the contaminated needles at the house she was rescued from.

This influence was always experienced by Nancy “as a voice in her head telling her to do certain things.” She really didn’t understand where the voice was coming from, but rather she was confused into believing it was some part of herself.

Sadly on a joy flight, with her boyfriend piloting the aeroplane; it accidentally crashed into a mountain killing both of them.

My friend Shirley sort advice from a competent medium as to what really happened?

The Medium was able to see Nancy leave the small aeroplane in her spirit, just before it crashed. Nancy in spirit waited for the spirit of her friend to be released from his body after the aeroplane crashed. She took him by the hand and gently guided him ‘back to the World of Light.’ In so doing she saved him from being a lost soul and his continuing unhappiness and severe loneliness.

flowers in church

You could well say Nancy gave up her life to save another soul. Her diary was found after her death with beautiful poems written in it and a request that when she died she would like the church to be filled to overflowing with flowers. At some higher level of consciousness within her, she had committed to playing out this very sad earth life drama to save her father’s soul.


“Greater Love hath no man but this, that a man lay down his life for his friend”
Gospel of St John, chapter 15, verse 13.

Does the Soul Exist

Does the Soul exist?

“Does the soul exist” you ask – “Of course it does” comes a firm reply – “and who are you?” you may ask. So let me tell you, if you will listen, how I know about some exchange of souls taking place in a physical human body.


From time to time people come to visit me and ask for a healing. On one occasion a man, we will name him Jeremy, came feeling very unhappy with hi life, with little energy and no will to go on. He had tried many avenues to help himself. He wanted me to just talk to him. I led him into a quiet, advanced, meditation and with his eyes closed he told me he could see a young man standing beside him who wanted to take over his physical body. Jeremy said, “I am ready for the exchange to take place although I am a little worried that the new soul is not very experienced and won’t look after the body.”

Jeremy lay very still, hardly breathing, he looked almost dead, when I felt an angelic presence overlight my body and gently lift his soul up through the top of his head and back to the World of Light. As I watched, I saw the new soul come into the top of his head and climb into Jeremy’s body as if he was putting on a body suit. Stretching his legs and then his arms and running his hand over his jumper an even the hairs on his arms, it was if he was feeling the sensations for the first time. His eyes were still closed. I assisted him to sit up and asked him to remain quiet while I moved away to get him a drink of water to help ‘earth’ him.


As I returned with the glass of water I was startled to see Jeremy standing on his head in the middle of the room, with his legs crossed above his head – yoga fashion. I asked him “Have you ever done this before Jeremy?” and he replied, “No.” With that he jumped up and began running around the room excitedly. He was a different personality. He wanted to go for a swim in the pool outside and even run down the hill to the dam and jump in. It was all I could do to stop him; it was winter and far too cold for swimming. He was, as has been described, a younger soul and not so experienced in life here.

At other times, in an altered state of consciousness, people have regressed to a past memory in this present life of when a soul exchange had taken place within their physical body. It helped them emotionally, giving them understanding as to why so much had changed in their life afterwards. Usually the past memory had been during a serious accident or illness. All of these experiences were brought to me to show how the same thing had happened when my physical body had nearly died. I hasten to add that this exchange does not happen in every ‘Near Death Experience’ event.


I am an ordinary grandmother who has had some extraordinary experiences – and still do. Since I had an NDE I have come to understand that not only did I briefly die, but that there was an exchange of souls that took place at that time. I am a very different person from the person who left this body.

Knowing that skeptics or doctors could say I was, or am hallucinating, doesn’t explain why there is often such a major change in the personality of someone who has experienced an N.D.E. It is true that such a life threatening challenge could profoundly affect people, causing them to question life itself. “Why didn’t I die?” “Why am I still here?” ” Who am I?”

One has to ask why is it so many N.D.E. people seem to begin seeking answers and enter into a spiritual search within themselves. In my case there was a calling. A reminder of why I am here. It is nothing to do with religion or an obsessive need to convert people. Not only do I believe; I know; and for me there is nothing to prove. How could I anyway?


I can only tell you of an authorative male sounding voice calling me one night and telling me I was going to receive messages. And so it began, a joyful experience, one where I was awakened at night by this voice who literally taught me many things, including basic physics and chemistry – an insight into how everything is energy; and nothing is solid. Nothing is ever lost although it may change its form. I was shown how spiritual healing works; it is true it has a lot to do with a state of mind, and the acceptance of a power from the creative source of all, one that can be drawn upon by intent. It is the same all pervading power that forms a human body in the first place. The same power that causes flowers to bloom, and then die back to seed, growing to bloom again – Never ceasing –


Since science has graduated from physics to quantum physics there is an uplifted understanding of other dimensions. I have been shown the existence of other worlds, other dimensions as if I have developed a quantum mind. Science doesn’t need to be re-written to explain these things – just gain an expanded understanding. There is a measure past the speed of light. A frequency, blinding in its brightness, that will not burn, if you are ready for it.

Out-of-body experiences, prophetic dreams, psychometry, synchronicity, mental telepathy – clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience, mediumship and past life memories have all been my experience from time to time. Have I lost you? If so, I apologize. These are difficult subjects to explain if you don’t believe in souls, or life after death, or accept that we are not only the body we walk in. What I can assure you is that I am normal, not hallucinating and my soul is standing in this body with both feet firmly on the ground.

The Road to Lake Mungo

The Road to Lake Mungo
Adventure or Nightmare?

Because of the urgent need for John, my husband, to make a trip to South Australia from New South Wales, and the difficulty in connecting air flights at such a short notice, John decided we would drive and make the journey a bit of a holiday as well.

Lake Mungo National Park

We drove steadily, sharing the driving, along the main Sydney to Melbourne highway, turning onto the Sturt Highway towards Wagga Wagga and spent the night at Hay. In the morning we set off early to continue driving on our way to Berri in the Riverland district north of South Australia, where John was to have his urgent meeting.

On the way we passed through Balranald and noticed signposts to Mungo National Park 150 kms inland. With a little persuasion from me,(upstairs was prompting me to go) John agreed it would make an interesting visit and agreed we should investigate the possibility of travelling there upon our return from Adelaide where he was to have another business meeting.

Mungo National Park is an ancient Lakes area, now arid desert. It is were the Mungo Man was discovered dating back 62,000 years and other evidence of life and living by the early indigenous people of the once verdent country. Geologists, archaeologists and paleontologists are able to read the area as if it is an ancient history book. It is for this reason I was so interested in visiting the area.

When we left Adelaide and reached Mildura we found signs to the National Park advising the distance to travel was 110 kms, mostly dirt road and we could pick up the 150 kms on to Balranald, also mostly dirt road but we would be further along the Sturt Highway on our way home. At Mildura we visited the large and impressive information centre to find out what we should do to make the trip. We were advised that the road was good, although mostly dirt and we would be able to make the journey in our sedan car. We should take plenty of water and food and make sure we had a full tank of petrol. There would be no mobile telephone connection along the way.

We set off at 6am the next morning, for some reason feeling nervous. The road signs advised the roads were open. It had been hot when we had passed through the town on the way down to Adelaide, in fact drought had been experienced for the past seven years and the townsfolk were allowed to only water their gardens once per week. The farmers and pastoralists were only allowing the most profitable fruit trees and pastures to receive allotted water from the drought stricken riverlands. Most farmers were hurting severely and could no longer afford to buy extra water to keep all their crops alive.

So it was a surprise to us that it began to sprinkle rain half way into the desert lands.

The lands being so dry we could see the rain disappearing into the very dry road. It was a good road with no pits or bumps. Cattle from time to time ran across in front of us, and so did sheep – houses had long been left behind. We had driven for 1 and half hours with out passing a soul and now we were into very flat and vast desert as far as the eye could see, with only tiny salt bush and red earth. We seemed to have even left the kangaroos and emus behind.

One sign said we were entering Willandra Lakes, the ancient lakes of which Mungo National Park was a part. We began to worry and even though the rain was falling lightly we decided to push on to hopefully find people stationed at Mungo Park. At least it was cool for we had expected an extra hot day.

Not a good idea, for traveling at about 80 kms per hour we suddenly began to fishtail and then slide sideways for quite a way. John had military training in such a situation and we didn’t flip over but we did stop quickly, ploughing into soft sand. When we climbed out of the car we found the ground was a thin layer of wet red clay and under it was still dry fine red sand. While in the car, the road had looked no different from what we had been driving on for the past 100 kms. We had trouble standing up for we began to slip and slide around on the slick damp surface. Our shoes were immediately covered in thick mud so that we looked like we were walking around on clay plates.

Lake Mungo National Park

It was impossible to keep the red clay mud out of the car, not that that was the main problem. John managed to dig us out and we drove for another 100 metres and bogged again. Now we were in real trouble. – In the middle of nowhere and not being able to move forward or go backwards. The spinning wheels only dug us deeper into the mud and dry sand. The rain was now falling heavier. We were nervous and feeling fear, not a normal reaction for us. We could be stuck out here for days before someone came by. And what if the rain became even heavier? Where we were, could become a quagmire – our car could even begin to sink if it became too wet.

This was dangerous – what on earth were we to do. We are in our seventies with grey hair and even though John is English and not used to outback Australia, I was born Australian and well new of the dangers of being stranded in the desert, particulary in the hot summer. How could we have been so naive, and yet we had done all the right things to make the journey. I had visions of the newspapers carrying the story of some silly old couple who had ventured into the desert being ill equipped in a sedan car and not being found for days.

There is a God! For when I prayed for help in less than ten minutes there were 4 vehicles at the scene and nine people. In the distance I could see a white mini-bus coming from Mungo. John managed to walk towards them and hailed them to a stop. They then bogged also. Although I like to think it was right they were stopped or they may have slid and even tipped over. They were German tourists who had camped at Mungo Park the night before. They wanted to watch the beautiful and eerie sunset known for the area but they had to run for cover when a bad sand storm blew in and no one could see anything. We were told, heavy rain had begun about 2am in the morning and then had eased.

The next vehicle to arrive was a red 4 wheel truck that did not hesitate to pull out the mini bus. It was groaning and slipping all over but managed to pull the bus to firmer ground about 20 kms down the road. Then another whitish 4 wheel truck came from Mungo and began to try to assist us. Fortunately for us they were plumbers and a builder who had been working at the Mungo site to upgrade facilities there. We still had no mobile connections. They said they didn’t realize how bad the road would be – we were apparently sitting in the middle of what was once a lake.

By now the rain had become heavier and we were all wet and cold. One of the men from Broken Hill drove our car and the others pushed. I stood on the side of the road propped by a spade and managed to get splattered with sticky flying red mud as our car was pushed around a half circle to face back to the direction we had come. We then discovered we did not even have a towing facility on our car.!!! Persistently they found a way to connect a tow rope to the wheel base under the engine and gradually pulled the car free. It wasn’t easy – our car was sliding to and fro and so was the truck. Once or twice the truck bogged slightly itself, pulling up quickly and it was only from the experienced drivers our car didn’t slam into the truck. Without their assistance, persistence and expertise from living in the outback we could still be there.

We were nervous as to what the good part of the dirt road had become, with steady rain falling. The men foresaw that and once we finally reached the firmer ground 20 kms down the road, we traveled for 70kms in convoy – one truck in front, our car with one of the men driving it, and the other truck behind with John in it. We now felt safe and arrived unscathed, very grateful to these men, and after hugs and shouts of happiness we continued on the now tar sealed road back to Mildura. It was raining steadily in a joyous Mildura. John has a new respect for Australian men and Australia.

We never did make it to Mungo Lake although we were only 10 kms away.

Follow Your Spirit

How to Follow Spirit

We are first spirit having a life on earth in an earth body. We need, therefore, to nourish our spirit everyday in the same way as we eat food every day.

With that in mind, people can ask their own spirit through intuition as to the best way to nourish their spirit.

Food for thought, could be the way I nourish my spirit every day. I light a candle, which I see as representing the light of our heart and the Universal heart from the Creator of All.

In my mind’s eye I see and feel, the bright Divine Light from our Sun coming from above, down through the top of my head and spine – connecting to my inner sun where my heart is and continuing down to the base of my spine.

At the same time I see and feel the inner sun from our mother earth coming up through the soles of my feet and body to connect together with the inner sun of my heart.

I breathe in both streams of Divine Light coming from the top and the bottom at the same time and connecting to my heart – making the third sun.

Mudra 1

As I do this I sing OM and put my index finger and thumb together of each hand (in a mudra) so that I am singing the spirit into strength filling the whole of my auric field with Divine Light energy, while shaking off any unwanted energy.

I continue this, changing to the middle finger and thumb and continue the same OM sound with the vibration filling the auric field (don’t forget your head)

Then the fourth finger and thumb … … keep singing OM

and finally the little finger and thumb of both hands and shake off any stray energies I may have picked up in the day until I feel clear and fully nourished.

The focus is connecting to the God centre of Creation of All.

One can do this night and morning. It only takes 5 or 10 minutes when used to it.

Explanation of our earth body connection to our spirit, soul, and God.

There are 5 sheaths of energy connecting our spirit body and earth body to our soul.

  1. The thumb is a direct link to our earth body and God self
  2. The index finger is a direct link to our vital body and God self
  3. The third finger is a direct link to our mental body and God self
  4. The fourth finger is a direct link to our emotional body and God self.
  5. The little finger is a direct link to our angelic body and God self.

Each sheath has its own consciousness including the physical body.

The 5 sheaths are renewed in 7 year cycles, and with that is the 3 aspects of God contained in every atom and cell of our body and spirit in total.

If you multiply 5 x 7 = 35 x 3 (creation, destruction and holding all together) = 105

and then add the 3 aspects of God of All creation, the Universal God = 108.

The same number of beads found in a japamala. (Indian Prayer Beads )

I like to look at the hands in this way because it also embraces all the energy fields that I have been shown. My first lesson in spirit was that everything is energy.

And that God exists in everything and everybody.

Everything has a consciousness – sometimes we need to think of that as a template, or an over-seeing intelligence underlining everything.

My second lesson was that there is the Earth Dimension, they called the 3rd Dimension and the 4th Dimension or the Astral. In the Star Peoples’ minds there is no separation.

The 5th Dimension is the Cosmic Consciousness and can reach into higher dimensions of frequency such as the 6th, 7th 8th and 9th and more.

There is a Hierarchy in the World of Light.

And there is an Angelic Realm, which is really a State of Being without limit.


Mudra 1

All you have to do is ask.

If I am concerned about something or needing help I put my hand over a photo of Sai Baba (the same as psychometry) and give Him my problem. Then holding my head up straight I let my eyes roll back into my head, imagining I am looking up to the sky and well above the clouds. This connects to one’s Theta level of consciousness. I then respectfully ask for His advice.

I see Sai Baba in His earth body holding a doorway of Divine Light onto this earth.

Or you could ask the Angels …
Guiding Holy Spirit,
an Holy Image you love or,
God the Universal Creator of All
or The Force. (said with a smile)

The secret is connecting to the spirit-energy of the image or the Source, with love in your heart and ASK.

Are You a Walk-in?

Are You a Walk-In?
Or do you know one?

This could explain why a loved one or a friend has changed so dramatically!

My husband John had decided we needed a rest and organized a week’s holiday staying at the Pinetrees Guest House. Lord Howe Island was first inhabited only as far back as 1834. The original house ‘Pinetrees’ was built about 1884 and holds a history of the Andrews-Nichols-Kirby families since that time. The two younger daughters, with their husbands, now run the guesthouse. John and I became friendly with one of them when we visited and where invited to their private house which had a magnificent view looking toward Mt. Lidgbird, the smaller of the two volcanic mountains that dominate the little coral island.

Lord Howe Island

It was Pixie that suggested to John that we try climbing Mr. Lidgbird first to prepare us, or as we realized later, to see if we could face the grueling climb up to the top of Mt. Gower, for that was where John really wanted to go. There is, we believe, quite different foliage up there, very ancient and tropical. Lord Howe Island is now listed as a World Heritage Area.

Nothing could dissuade John from climbing a mountain; he is Capricorn, the birth sign of the goat! and he was insistent that I join him. I had climbed hills before with him, and as our destination was ‘the Goat House’ I imagined it to be a cave not too far up the mountain. How wrong I was. It was above the tree-line, into the sheer rock face and dangerously difficult to reach. (These Lord Howe people were all pioneer types and tended to vastly understate distances, heights and difficulties.) I had a ‘knowing’ that guiding spirit wanted me to make the climb with John and that I would receive an insight into our spiritual journey upon reaching the top.

When we had first alighted off the plane at the airport we had felt ‘different;’ it was hard to define. We admired the beauty of the place and marveled how relaxed and friendly everyone was. We did notice right from the beginning how the locals seemed to understate everything. It was as if we had come from a different country – even though we were still supposed to be in Australia and the locals regularly made journeys to the mainland.

We had trouble sleeping, even though the bed was very comfortable. It was unusual for us as we usually adjust very quickly to a new environment. So what was it? It was within the first day of being there that John made up his mind we were going to climb a mountain together.

Mt Ligbird and Mt Gower on Lord Howe Island

To get to Mt. Lidgbird it required a ride on a push-bike for a couple of kilometres “Up a few inclines,” said the locals, “Quite steep hills,” I would say. Then a fair walk through cow paddocks, a climb over a few fences, and then to begin climbing up the base of the mountain through wet tropical growth. The further we climbed the steeper it became.

We had been told there were steps in places, but we found ourselves faced often with ropes to pull the self up to a new height, or very steep ladder like steps with safety ropes to hall oneself up. The more we climbed, the steeper it became, so that it was no longer a hike through woods but rather rock shelves to negotiate and even steeper areas to walk aided at times with ropes to pull the self up. I was shaking so badly at times with the exertion, I began to cry. I was afraid I would fall and cause a problem to John in how to get help to us. He kept encouraging me to keep going, “It isn’t that much further.” he had said. (How would he know that? He hadn’t been there before?)

So I kept going, for guiding spirit had said, “I would receive new understanding when I reached the top.” John did admit later that he was feeling shaken up also, but there was no way he was gong to give in.

It was a beautiful day and when we did finally break out of the tree line to a point where we could see right across the whole of the coral bay and the other side of the island; the view was magic. The day was warm and I decided to just sit right where I was, on a very narrow path, and lean back onto the sheer cliff face that stretched far above me, holding onto to tufts of grass to get my balance. I was feeling totally exhausted, disoriented but elated. John decided to continue along the path, holding onto a rope that had been strung along the cliff face; anchored by iron loops about a metre apart that stretched all the way around the cliff face to ‘The Goat House’ about another 500 metres on.

We had brought sandwiches, fruit and water for lunch, but I decided to wait for John to return before starting to eat. As I sat and watched at eye level, an eagle circling out at sea, I began to wonder what the message was to be from guiding spirit.

It was like an open-eyed meditation looking out into the distance of the sea and feeling so on top of everything. I began to realise that this Island had been preserved as it was originally at another time compared to the mainland. That there was a connection somehow to the ancient time that still existed here and a feeling of rumblings of soul knowledge within me, which also existed on the mainland. It was the ancient energy that we were unconsciously connecting to when we first set foot on Lord Howe Island. It was why we had felt so unsettled and unable to sleep at first. Our bodies were literally adjusting to the older time warp that existed here on the Island. And as we climbed the mountain to day we had been shaken up so much, that our body cells had been literally forced to adjust to the different time warp. Both of us had experienced frustrating emotions that we seemed to shed the further we climbed the mountain.

As I sat looking out over and beyond, I remembered experiencing a near-death experience 30 years ago when my sons were only little. I knew I was dying and I had prayed that I be allowed to stay so that I could look after them. I could remember floating out of my body but I could also remember a voice saying “I would be all right” but that was only after I had promised to help God in return for allowing me to stay. Now, as I sat here, I remembered that when I came back from the hospital I was looking at everything with new eyes. It was as if I was a stranger in my own house. That my then first husband was a stranger. I didn’t feel that way about the little boys but I found it hard to relate to memories of my childhood.

Here now, feeling so high and so elated, I knew that I had not been born into the body I walked in. That I had come into the body at that time before, 30 years ago, it had been an agreement with the previous owner, and it had allowed me now to come on a Mission knowing God. This was why I had been having so many mystical experiences, like a reminder of why I had come and what I had promised to do. I couldn’t wait for John to come back to tell him. I spent the rest of the time singing.

View from Mt Ligbird, Lord Howe Island

When he did come back, he was very pleased with himself on finishing the journey. He said “The Goat House” was just a cave but was a fair way around the other side of the Mountain giving a totally different view – a little cooler and shaded on that side. He sat down beside me, on an equally very narrow piece of path and we began eating our lunch. It was then I told him of my revelation.

What I hadn’t expected was his readiness to understand what I was trying to tell. He said “he felt shaken also, and that my speaking of being a walk-in he could really relate to also.” He was reminded as we sat, that he had first come to Australia the same year that I had nearly died. It took another 7 years of each of our then separate lives to be sorted out, when destiny put us together. I know now that no matter what happened we were destined to come together. We had agreed to come together long before either of us had come to earth, and John said “He knew he was with me to support me in the Mission.”

Our hearts were singing as we climbed down the mountain. It didn’t seem so difficult going down although at one point we both stopped and looked at a bird perched on a branch of a tree at our eye level. It seemed to want to tell us something. When I listened to guiding spirit I asked John “If he would allow me to hold his hands and assist a healing to come through for him.” He agreed. It seemed to help him and myself coming from spirit to become more entrenched into our physical bodies. Over the past 7 years or so I had experienced a number of times being out of my body, and having difficulty in getting back into it. It really shows one how we are truly spiritual beings, not just John and I, but everyone on earth is a spiritual being walking in a physical body.

What is the Mission I hear you ask? It is a saga held in the ancient past memory of the mysterious land that we now call Australia. “The Book of Love by a Medium” is guiding spirit’s way of beginning the story.

The Internet has a lot more information about people experiencing the ‘walk-in’ phenomena. Just search for walk-ins .

A Night on the Town

A Night on the Town
(Turning War into Peace)

A quiet night out at the local Thai restaurant in a small country town seemed like a good idea – no food for me to prepare – no washing up – just plates of tempting, exotic, aromatic morsels of food placed in front of me.

Thai Resturaunt

But we didn’t expect 5 or 6 tables along with chairs to go flying across the room. Not to mention broken dishes, glasses, cutlery and flowers flying into the air.

As we were shown to our seats in the restaurant I noticed two adolescent boys wearing earrings, tattoos, singlets and their hair in dreadlocks, eating at a table in the corner. One seemed to be having trouble with hot chili or something for he was coughing, gasping and gagging, very loudly – both were laughing as well, with bits of food hanging from their mouth. The room was crowded with people who showed signs of being disgusted with their behaviour for it was enough to put you off your food.

A youngish couple with two little children sat between us and the offensive behaviour of the adolescents. The father, obviously upset, asked them to settle down; the boys gave him cheek and ignored his request.

I am a medium and was aware that there were other ‘forces’ at work. The adolescent boys were under the influence of drugs (no smell of alcohol). Sometimes they were apologizing for their behaviour and then next the ‘dark force’ would overcome them and they would behave in a most offensive way. I am sure everyone felt some relief when they stood to leave. As the younger one passed the table between us, he suddenly took a swing at the young father and knocked him off his chair to the floor.

All hell broke loose! The father quickly jumped up, restrained the boy in a head and arm lock, pushing him to the floor and sat on him but not before tables and chairs were sent flying with a deafening sound of crashing, dishes and glass breaking and metal clashing. The children were screaming at the top of their voices, terrified because their father had been attacked. The mother was stunned and seemed unable to do anything.

I mentally called upon Sai Baba to help us. The father was outnumbered with the big ‘other’ teenage boy that wanted to protect the younger one.

Immediately I felt a strong energy of calmness wash over me. The quietness was in my voice and I knew exactly what to do and what the subtle form of Sai Baba was doing. My husband had gone to the car to call the police. The little Thai people hid in the kitchen. Most of the others went outside, particularly the men, I realized later that Sai Baba had influenced them in this. He had also removed the unseen demonic influences that were hanging around…

I found by putting my hands on the men (they were all big ) and speaking quietly they would calm down. I had absolutely no fear at all. The police seem to take forever to come (45 mins) . The young father continued to restrain the adolescent boy still struggling, by sitting on him. The boy had feral power under the influence of drugs and the father called for assistance, but no one else came.

Then it was found that the young adolescent was deeply cut on his back from the broken glass, the flesh was hanging free and bleeding badly. Cloths were brought and I applied pressure to the gaping wound – this gave opportunity for the father to leave and the boy was then encouraged to lie quietly on the floor until an ambulance arrived. That left just the two men sized adolescents and myself in the room. I knew if I could keep the younger one calm, the older adolescent boy would remain quiet. He became upset when the younger one was upset. It was said later that at least they didn’t have a gun or knife. Uh? The restaurant was full of knives and shards of broken glass.

The Ambulance

When two police did come they remained outside waiting for back up! The ambulance would not attend either until back-up arrived. When more police eventually arrived they came inside and asked the young adolescent his name. He immediately gave impudence until I quietly suggested to him (my voice still had that unbelievable calmness to it) to speak respectfully as he was already in enough trouble. He did. He was then taken on a stretcher by the ambulance to the local hospital. He wanted to give me a kiss as a thank you for helping him.

I was acutely aware that the ‘dark forces’ had stirred up mischievous trouble. I was also shown how easy it was to diffuse the situation by calling upon the `the force of love and light’ in the name of Sai Baba. Help was given immediately. If only more would understand that this is the time of the battle between the unseen dark and light forces. The Armageddon as it has been written in the Bible. The time when the force of Divine Light can be victorious in liberating mankind from darkness and lead us into the Golden Age.

All we have to do is ask God for assistance.