Raising your Vibrational Rate

You can raise your personal vibration by doing specific energy work with your Higher Self and Guides of Light. This frequency raising energy work can be done by everyone, and is being done in many ways naturally on an ongoing basis as the vibration of the Earth is being raised in preparation for the Ascension.

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Raising Your Vibrations – the Symptoms

As humanity – and all life on Planet Earth moves from the lower Fourth dimension to the upper Fourth and the 5th and 6th Dimensions, changes to the subtle body occur, which in turn, bring about changes to the physical body and physical environment. Here we list a range of changes observed with a basic guideline for responding to the vibrational state. Your reception of this increased Love or Light into your being projects it into everything you do, effecting and anchoring more Light on the Earth Plane. Furthermore, this benefits humanity by pioneering the path which will result to encourage others to evolve on their spiritual path.

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Important Information for the December Solstice and 2017

On this page, we bring you the message of Patricia Cota-Robles on the gift of Mother Mary to Humanity on December 12, and how the first 11 days of 2017 contain a light-filled significance. Ms Cota-Robles says that one may access the energy of past events by using replay; links are given to enable participation. Without further ado, we bring you this message of Patricia Cota-Robles with her kind permission …

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Judy Carroll: Our Kariong Experience

In October of 2016, Judy Carroll visited Sydney, NSW, in the company of her fellow star-worker, Helene. They take the opportunity to visit Kariong and see the Grandmother Tree and the various hieroglyphs located at Kariong. Judy Carroll shares what emerges as a rite-of-passage gifted to herself and fellow star-worker Helene from the Indigenous beings residing there in the interdimensional portals.

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On the Mystery School …

reptilliansOn this website you will have read the recent explanation of how everything that exists on this planet and every name and form of the Divine has come from the stars, and the Universe itself. This day is an anniversary of the birth of one of these names and forms of the Divine who has come to guide and guard humanity through the great shift into the Golden Age and the higher dimensions. Other beings from the Angelic Realms have come, and in one instance have been honoured to have teach on humanity’s recent past is Jalarm the Atlantean (pronounced Yalum or Yalarm). On this day, we have made a selection of the early teachings given by Jalarm the Atlantean for your enrichment. Enjoy!

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Cosmic Sai Baba clarifies about being a Star Person


The Earth rises on the Moon

Valerie Barrow, (instrument of the Divine with the ladies of the Mystery School) has received a number of messages from concerned persons about the article on this website (and on The Mystery School) called “Sathya Sai Baba – Starperson”. Valerie – and the ladies of the Mystery School – have willingly given their lives over to serve the Divine in whatever name and form that Divine reveals itself. Valerie – along with these ladies – give their time, talents and resources acquired in this life, and in the many lives that have gone before. Much of this website – valeriebarrow.com – is an exploration of the lives of Valerie and John Barrow. They have taken up journeys to places they have been guided to visit and brought back their spiritual experiences, their understanding, their learning. This is for the advance of humanity.

We mentioned that Valerie and these ladies give their time, talents and resources acquired in this life, and in the many lives that have gone before. The spiritual uplift that their souls have acquired in other lives on this and other planets has earned them the merit and the opportunity to place their unique talents in service of the Divine in this life, this time. Sathya Sai Baba said many times that “Service to God is service to Man”. The service of the ladies of the Mystery School is also service to humanity at large that they may progress and advance in these days of Ascension to the 5th and 6th dimensions and living in the Golden Age. Valerie has approached Cosmic Sai Baba for reply to the questions people have asked about “Sathya Sai Baba – Starperson”.

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Sleepwalking through the Shift to the 5th Dimension


There were many who expected, there were many who woke up on the day of December 21st, 2012, believing the Mayan Elder prophecy would come true, thus bringing the planet into a higher state of consciousness. In fact, many books, movies, and articles were written about this. On December 22nd, 2012, some claimed that the 5th dimension was here.

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