The Forms of the Star Peoples

On account of the messages from the Angelic Realms that mass showings – disclosure – of the star vessels and the star peoples is possible if the Earthlings do welcome them, we do alert our readers that these visitors to our planet – they are here now in other dimensions – are humanoid. They possess all the sacred qualities of humans yet do not resemble humans 100% … a different torso, a differing number of fingers, the limbs might be longer and skin colour different. In this article, we seek to bring you what the Angelic Realms have shared with us about the forms of the Star Peoples.

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The Dragon Race

draconisThe Mystery School – brought together by the Cosmic Hierarchy to explore the origins of man on this planet – (and uncover much of the history of Planet Earth) has been exploring right from the emergence of form from Grand Central Sun of all Universes. Information is given by way of reveire, group discussion (prompted by telepathy and suggestions in the ether), work with The Oracle, and contribution from an occasional member. Concentration brings success to all activity, this is true. Moreover, in the future of human life in the 5th Dimension, working with and trust in higher faculties – as revealed in the last session – will be very important to human self-learning, as well as learning about the role of this planet in this galaxy, in this universe. It has been revealed in times past that many, many life-forms yearn to be born on this planet and live the warm-blooded life and experience the love of family. You can read more about The Mystery School’s explorations of The Dragon Race here.

Eagarinna Speaks: The Evolution of the Reptoids

the hairy upstanding ape walksEagarinna turns to the nature of the Reptoids, their character and what drove them to behave as they did. The Reptilians had their own instructions, their own hierarchy, their own gods. They had lost the way, and the star peoples had come and imbued the crystal light, the enChristing of the hairy-upstanding-ape from the Source so that evolution of all life forms on Earth was enabled.

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Eagarinna Speaks: Survival and the First Hue-mans

Broken Bay, NSWEagarinna speaks directly about being an Angelic Being and the Mission of the Mothership Rexegena. There was a handover ceremony, for the Reptoids were to leave. There was betrayal, within and without. The mission – however – has a larger meaning and impact, as Eagarinna tells. Read here of a graphic account of the landing in Broken Bay, the assistance the starpeople received, the genetic engineering that produced the hue-man, the hairy up-standing ape imbued with the Crystal Consciousness, the crystal light of the Source within.

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