Marree Man is Fading

Marree Man is fading

There is interest in reviving the outback’s mysterious Marree Man to attract tourists to the far north of South Australia.

The desert etching of an Indigenous man is more four kilometres long and became a tourist drawcard 15 years ago.

But over time it has faded significantly.

Its creator remains a mystery although many have their theories.

The desert artwork is at Finniss Springs near outback Marree.

The area’s traditional owners, the Arabana people, have just signed a 99-year lease for Finniss Springs to let them run tourist ventures on the land.

Chairman of the Arabana Aboriginal Corporation, Aaron Stuart, said resurrecting the drawing in the desert sands could give a boost to tourism, especially for those times when there is no water in Lake Eyre to attract interest to the area.

“Once the lake dries up a lot of people tend to don’t come up this far north and we think it’s such a large formation again on a plateau right next to the lake, it will generate more interest,” he said.

Interest remains

Outback roadhouse owner Lyall Oldfield said joy flights over the huge drawing had stopped since it faded.

Mr Oldfield said the unusual artwork still held some intrigue for tourists.

“Most certainly anyone that comes up and wants to go for a fly over the lake, they’ll certainly want to do the Marree Man as well,” he said.

“It needs brightening up a bit, it just gradually got a little bit duller from his waist up.”

Meanwhile, there was an outback ceremony at the weekend on the southern edge of Lake Eyre to mark the revival of its Aboriginal name Kati Thanda.

The Geographical Names Unit agreed last year to use Kati Thanda alongside the English name after a request was made by the Arabana People.

Aaron Stuart said it was important to recognise the Aboriginal heritage.

“Through history we go back through our family trees and we can only go back a certain distance until we lose who was who and who was what. In this case with a name of Kati Thanda, it actually means it lives on and you know that’s a great achievement we believe,” he said.

You can read more on Marree Man on Wikipedia. Read an article about the Mystery of Marree Man in the Adelaide Advertiser

Marree Man

Dwarka, The Lost City of Krishna found

Dwarka, lost city of Krishna

According to Hindu legend the god Krishna built a city which was ultimately destroyed by rising sea levels

Dwarka (Dvarka, Dwaraka, or Dvaraka, is a city in Gujarat state in India). Dwarka also known as Dwarawati in Sanskrit literature is rated as one of the seven most ancient cities in the country. The legendary city of Dvaraka was the dwelling place of Lord Krishna. It is believed that due to damage and destruction by the sea, Dvaraka has submerged six times and modern day Dwarka is the 7th such city to be built in the area.

According to Hindu legend the god Krishna built a city which was ultimately destroyed by rising sea levels. Now archaeologists and Indian Navy divers are investigating underwater ruins at Dwarka on India’s western coast, said to be Krishna’s city. The new efforts, it is hoped, will settle the debate currently raging over the age and authenticity of the site near the Samudranaraya temple. Divers have collected blocks and samples which will now be dated.

Traditional Hindu scholars referencing ancient Hindu scriptures believe the location to be very ancient, originally built many thousands of years ago. Such notions are, of course, vehemently rejected by establishment scientists though they are willing to concede that there is evidence indicating an age of as much as 3500 years.

Of course the date when the city was destroyed would be long after the date of its inception, so a definitive maximum date has not been established. The new study is expected to resolve some of the issues. Archaeologists will now use the carbon dating technique to determine the exact age of the ruins. The earlier excavations, that first began about 40 years ago, had only revealed stones, beads, glass and terracotta pieces.

Links: Flooded Kingdoms Of The Ice Age

Lost city ‘could rewrite history’…

Giant Underwater Lost City ‘Could Rewrite History’…

New Underwater Finds in Sri Krishna’s City:

Ancient City of Dwarka:…

The 8th Sister Returns


Valerie Barrow remembers her Cosmic Ancestral Spirit Eagarinna – the Star Being from the Pleiades – this is her story.

Eagarinna my cosmic ancestral spirit, known as the 8th Sister from the Pleiades, had come to speak to us in 2002 when writing ‘The book Alcheringa, when the first ancestors were created.’ Eagarinna and Alcheringa both in spirit, would have been behind bringing so many people together who remembered being star people and the story of how the first humans were created. The Mothership Rexegena had come from the Constellation of Pleiades with 50,000 star people on board – 900,000 years ago. The Commander–in–Chief was her husband known as Alcheringa, both she and their children had actually journeyed from Lyra to take up the position.

The Australian Aborigines have a ‘Dreaming’ legend that the eighth sister from the Pleiades would one day return. There are many Aboriginal tribes who believe their ancestors came from the stars.

The transcript below is what the Star Being – Eagarinna in spirit told us over a decade ago:

‘I can actually see myself sitting on the box that holds the communication crystal in the command room of the Mothership Rexegena. Like my children, I also liked sitting on that box and observing the command room. It was quite big, people moving around quietly, calmly and observing. It had a huge unlimited view, looking out into the universe. It was a spectacular view. It is understandable that the children should like watching. I liked watching also. I am thinking of that now but I am actually back on the land (now known as Kariong in Australia) surrounded by complete destruction.

Drawing of Mothership Rexegena

(The Mothership Rexegena: Click the image to see a larger version)

My brothers and sisters are in agony with severe pain and loss. I myself feel that loss, the loss of my whole family. But this also only comes after a period when we had all helped each other to try and recover, after the scout ship had gone into the water and after we had all so frantically followed it when we escaped the exploding Mothership. We knew it would need assistance as soon as it hit the earth. We were able to land reasonably close to it, so we quickly gave assistance to those who had crashed into the water.

The dolphins had already brought some to the shore. They were in such a sorry state, many needed help, and many needed to be looked after. There was no time to think much about what had happened. It was a war like scene; there was total destruction. It’s only after this, after some time had past, that we were able to make shelter for ourselves, to gather together to draw strength from one another, and to try and get some sense into what had happened and why it had happened.

It was quite clear that the Reptoids had gone back on their word. They had no intention of handing over the planet Mu, – the planet Earth they had deceived us into believing that they would leave. There had been an edict from the Galactic Council that they were to leave. They were given a choice, they could leave quietly and in peace, or they would be hunted off the planet. They had no right to stay; they had come in the first place, millions of years before, against the will of the Galactic Council. But now they had been told to leave, and they had agreed, or so we thought. But they had gone back on their word,, something we could not understand, we just could not believe that someone could go back on their word. What they said was not what they meant. It was not what they meant at all.

Instead of that they sent out warships and attacked the mother ship that had taken so long to prepare and to grow into its shape. And then to travel with those fifty thousand people on board from so many different races from the cosmic worlds. The families, the children, so many were lost. There was no time to dwell on that any more, we had to make the best of what had happened. We were left without any of the technology we had, we were left with great difficulty in surviving. We knew that we could no longer survive the way we were used to, we would have to find new ways. We soon discovered that even when we drank the water it made us sick. We tried to eat food from the foliage, but some of that made us very sick, in fact it killed some, it poisoned them. We lost more in anguish.

We were still suffering from the trauma of what had happened. There was no time to be sorry, we had to really make the best of what we could to survive. We had come on a mission to bring light into this corner of the galaxy, this planet, and survive we would. We were determined to survive, we would find ways, we would find out how to live in this harsh but beautiful land. It was difficult. Then some of our enemy came and joined us. These reptilians wanted to help because they were so upset about what their own people had done, what their king and queen had done. They didn’t go along with what had taken place.

Image of reptoid

(A Reptoid: Click the image to see a larger version)

They liked us, they knew we were good people, that we had something in us that they wanted to be part of. They asked if they could join us so that they could help us, and we welcomed their help. We forgave them; we forgave the race that they had come from. There was no time, no point in holding grudges. Not all of their race were bad people, it was quite obvious, and so we accepted their help and they showed us different ways of clearing the water with certain leaves, and showed us food from the foliage that was safe to eat, the seeds that could be ground and made into little cakes. We had enough sustenance; we didn’t need very much. We were never used to eating very much. Thus we all gathered together, deciding to stay together.

There were a few that we knew had come to Earth in a different place. We tried to get them to come with us but they decided not to. They did not survive very long, but we did because we stayed together and supported each other. Some interbred with each other, it was not an unusual thing to take place after losing their own families. But we found that the newborn did not survive. So we had to find a way of adjusting or genetically changing the babies so that they could survive. We knew that the star people babies would never survive and so we drew from the experience and knowledge that there were these ape like creatures that had been constructed and made by the reptilians, using genetic material from the Leonines, who were a warm blooded cosmic race that we were familiar with and friendly with.

Image of Leonine race

(A Leonine: Click the image to see a larger version)

We knew that was a starting basis. The Dugong had served as their mothers also, and had that energy in them. It was a good start, so we decided to blend material from the up-standing ape like creature with the female eggs of the star mothers who volunteered and were then implanted back into the star mothers. They saw that as a great honour, for they felt that they had permission from God. This was why they had come, to bring light to this area, to establish a community, and this is what they were going to do. Nothing would stop them, they were determined it would succeed, and when the babies were born suffering so badly with too much hair that was strangling them, they were very distraught, not knowing how they would survive.

They determined to have another try at genetic engineering, and they used the eggs of the upstanding ape creature, and implanted genetic material from the star people. This time the babies survived. They had a larger skull shape, as we had. They had skin that was a little tougher; it was certainly darker. The hair, of course, was still there, but it had fallen away slightly, which was a result of the work we had done. The star people were quite used to using genetics for interacting and creating, it was not an unusual thing at all. The babies survived quite well. Some were malformed. This saddened us, and we assisted them and helped them.

We brought them into our fold and adopted them. They loved us also, for the energy was exchanged, and the energy from the star people was interwoven into these new little creatures. Our families became one. This made us happy, this is what we felt was what the mission was supposed to do, and in some way we didn’t know at the time how, but this was definitely the way that it was going to work. These little creatures would be able to hold the light from the Divine Source of All, hold it within their bodies, and spread it.

This was what the mission was about. We began to realise and understand the mission hadn’t worked they way we thought it was going to, but in our determination and courage we did succeed. We were very pleased with ourselves to some degree. There were still many things to overcome. We managed to make settlements and housing of sorts to take shelter, for the sun was unkind to our skin and our head. The new little ones with hair on their heads and a skin that was more suited to the environment, thrived. They were loving creatures, loving to one another, and loving to us.

We thrived from the energy that had finally been born onto the planet Mu. We felt that we had succeeded in our mission. More children came, we genetically engineered a few other ways until we found that the best way of producing children without any malformation was to encourage then to breed with each other. We established encoded symbols so that they would understand that they could not interbreed with their own brothers and sisters. They needed to be sure to breed only with those that were far enough apart genetically as to not cause malformation.

The little community flourished. The star people who survived lived for quite some time. The children grew, and a decision was made that they should go out and multiply, to continually spread the new knowledge that we had taught them, the energy that came from the star people, and the rituals and ceremonies that we had also taught them. They needed to spread that information, it was time for them to go out and multiply with the other upstanding ape like creatures, that were still brutish and weapon wielding.

This they did and after a time we also felt that they could be taken out further. We did have a ship that still could be used. We had tentatively explored the area around us. but we were not aware, or sure, as to how safe we would be if we ventured too far. The ship was crippled for lack of power, but it was able to travel to some degree. We eventually ventured out past the coasts and moved onto other lands, and eventually spread these new creatures with star peoples genes and understanding and psychic abilities around.

We encouraged them to establish settlements of their own. This continued long after the star people had died. I myself as Eagarinna said to the ones that looked after me so well, for we looked after them when they were children, they in turn looked after us when we became old. I said to them, I assured them, that I would return when the time was right. I have returned now, for the time is right. Now we are moving into change, the Earth, the energy, everything around is changing whether humans realise it or not. There are new energies coming onto the Earth that is of a golden nature. It brings with it wisdom, compassion, and love, as always has been available to everyone that is on the Earth.

Now it is coming in waves that are much stronger, and people will know, understand, and accept this new knowledge. They can experience and feel for themselves changes happening around them. Where it does not flow, where the energy of goodness which is of God, structures fall apart such as banks, such as societies that are connected with police or with dealings with anything within the society. Society itself is changing. There are some outbreaks of war, for people still disagree and think that hitting with weapons is the only way to solve problems. But of course if they accept the new energy that is coming onto the Earth, and imbue themselves with it, they will realise and lift their consciousness to understand and know that they can solve and resolve any problems.

Drawing of Starperson

(Eagarinna, on the left: Click the image to see a larger version)

If there is a problem among people, there can always be a solution found in some way. Eagarinna (as I speak through Valerie), has returned. I have come back to remind people of their beginnings, and remind them also that we are in a time of great change, a turning point which will come, in a decade, to lead them into the golden age. The future of the golden age will be one where genes will be able to be changed, so that there will no longer be disease or malformation. All these things will be corrected, and the information and knowledge will be given once again from the star people. This is the time, this is what all are moving into. I am very happy to be back, to say that it is time. Please listen, please move with the change, please come to know the spirit and the energy of God that presents itself now on the planet. Accept it, allow yourself to be imbued with it, and rise to become the children of God.’

John and Valerie Barrow have the above story in their soul memory. Both are ‘walk-ins’ meaning there has been an exchange of souls in their body after near death experiences. Their Mission is to speak of the Star People who do exist in the Cosmos. And in particular how the Australian Aborigine ancestors are the beginning of the human race. The agreement is Valerie was to be trained by the star people to be a medium/ messenger and allow transmissions to take place by borrowing her voice box. And John, her husband was to assist and support her in that work.

The story has unfolded gradually when a Sacred Aboriginal Stone, which had come from the stars, was brought by a sick lady to their Canyonleigh property. The lady had tried to return it to the indigenous people but they were afraid of it. She needed someone she could trust to take care of it for awhile. She heard of Valerie living at a property they had named Alcheringa and the work that she did. She came—she liked her—and left it with her. Valerie sat with the Sacred Stone on her knee everyday and found that it spoke to her teaching her of the ancient history of the land of Australia. The Book of Love by a Medium was written as a diary.

During that time Valerie visited Uluru with a group. Valerie received a personal initiation at Mutitjulu Springs at Uluru from the spirit Black Giantess named Goolagaia. She is said to hold a crystal beneath Wollumbin until the return of the 8th white sister from the Pleiades. You can read more on the Addendum Page to The Book of Love by A Medium.

The Book of Love attracted an indigenous elder by name of Gerry Bostock to their property. After he established that Valerie had respected the Sacred Stone, and that Alcheringa always spoke through her, he accepted her credentials and agreed to take them to Kariong to see the Egyptian-like Hieroglyphs drawn in a Stone corridor. This led to three of them remembering being star people who had experienced a terrible catastrophe in their Mothership being attacked and destroyed. Many people heard of their experience and began coming to Valerie and telling her (often in a spontaneous regression), of their part in the story. The book Alcheringa, When the First Ancestors Were Created – documents these tellings and rememberings.

Time passed and 2 years later the sick lady was feeling better and wrote asking for the return of the sacred Alcheringa Stone so that she could take it to the Red Centre of Australia to find a ‘clever one’ to take it back. They met at the Lighthouse at Byron Bay, within view of sacred Wollumbin which is also known as Mount Warning. Before Valerie handed it back she was given a message from Spirit that she had been sent to Earth on behalf of the 8th White Sister from the Pleiades, connecting to the Seven Sisters. To Valerie it was as if the sacred Alcheringa stone had come away from the Black Fellas to teach the White Fellas before it was returned to its rightful owners. You can read more on the Sacred Alcheringa Stone page.

Valerie held regular meditations at their property at Canyonleigh. During one such meditation, Alcheringa came, spoke through her and asked if Goolagaia could come and speak. Of course she was most welcome. You can read more on the Goolagaia Speaks page.

Alcheringa later advised that it was time that Valerie and Goolagaia to meld. For Goolagaia is the 8th Black Sister in Earth form, and Valerie is the messenger for the 8th White Sister the Star-person.

It was not long after that, the ‘Master Crystal’ holding the blessing of the ancestral creator spirit Alcheringa and the Star-people was brought to the property known as Alcheringa. You can read more on the Blessing of the Alcheringa Crystal page.

The Alcheringa Crystal

The Alcheringa Crystal

On another occasion Valerie visited Cave Hill the home of the Seven Sisters about 2½ hours drive from Uluru in the red centre of Australia. It is sacred land to the Indigenous people and sometimes glows. It is the same rock as Uluru. Valerie was visited in the cave by Goolagaia the Black Giantess, and Eagarinna the 8th White Sister. Alcheringa also came while she was sitting inside the Sacred Cave. You can read more on the Goolagaia and Eagarinna Speak page.

Valerie Barrow was also told that Cave Hill was where the Sacred Alcheringa Stone was first found and came away from the indigenous people to teach the white man – until its return to its rightful place.

© Valerie Barrow 2013

Renewed interest in Gosford glyphs

Renewed interest in Gosford glyphs

Glyphs at Kariong

Researchers say new discoveries around the mysterious ‘Gosford Hieroglyphs’ site on the New South Wales Central Coast, have re-ignited debate over whether the region was once visited by ancient Egyptians.

The glyphs site at Kariong features almost 300 engravings on two large sandstone walls, which some believe contain examples of an early form of Egyptian writing.

Since their discovery in the 1970s, they have long been dismissed as fakes by authorities and most experts but there are still ongoing attempts to prove the theory they were carved by ancient Egyptians several thousand years ago.

Over the past three decades, many theories have been put up to explain how the extensive engravings came to be, including that they were the work of a group of Sydney University students.

But a group of researchers led by historian Steven Strong has recently discovered a new smaller set of hieroglyphs nearby, and is also investigating a complex, labyrinth of angular tunnels cut deep into the rock beneath the original set of engravings.

“It has been carved,” he said.

“It is straight and nature doesn’t do straight lines.

“There’s a second shaft that runs down and the third one is a gallery that is big enough to park a car in.”

Mr Strong says new evidence has come to light.

“The things that have been found next to it, alongside and around the walls that needs to be factored in,” he said.

The group is also working with local indigenous elders, who have spoken out about the ‘glyphs’ for the first time.

Steven Strong says the indigenous oral tradition, which is passed down from generation to generation, does accept there was an ancient Egyptian presence on this land.

“I listen to the original people for my history,” he said.

He says with their help, a human bone fragment and jewellery have also been found in the area around the glyphs – adding to the mystery surrounding the site.

Mr Strong says preliminary scans recently carried out on the bone conclude it has the same density as a human bone.

“Now these are factual things that we’re finding and then I’ve also been given a metal piece of jewellery that doesn’t have iron or lead, it’s got a figure of someone kneeling on it and there it is right between the two walls,” he said.

“These are things that don’t relate to the walls but it’s all around the walls.”

The discoveries have sparked renewed interest in the mysterious site, and the group plans to carry out a more extensive study of the region next year.

New Archaeology proves Egyptians were in Australia over 4,500 years ago.

Engraved into two sandstone walls near Kariong (Central Coast NSW) is a set of close to 300 glyphs. Some claim they are authentic Proto-Egyptian hieroglyphs carved by Egyptians over 4,500 years ago, but nearly all academics and relevant authorities dismiss them as merely an elaborate forgery. It Isn’t. Recently discovered artefacts and archaeology, corroborated by testimonials given by Original Elders and Custodians of Lore, stand united in confirming an ancient Egyptian presence and extensive period of contact.

Ignoring, for the time being, the credentials of what is or isn’t engraved on the two walls, there is a bounty of evidence that validates Darkinjung Elder, Aunty Beve Spiers’, declaration that not only are some of the Kariong glyphs “Egyptian,” but there are other glyphs which are of an “older” tradition that are “not Egyptian” and were made by “our people.”

In conjunction with the release of our fourth Youtube, Egyptians in Australia-Part 4, an ABC Radio series presented by Mary-Louise Vince (Central Coast Radio), a segment on ABC National News (December 10), and under the guidance of Original Elders and advisors, evidence and sites previously unknown or misunderstood will be shared with the general public. A hidden history is now beginning to be shared, and one chapter, the ancient Egyptian presence in Australia, and in particular the Gosford region, is ready to be told.

Over the past year we have discovered or have been shown seven pieces of evidence/archaeology that is strongly suggestive of ancient Egyptian involvement.

1. We have just filmed and investigated a series of tunnels (one over 10 metres in length) and a gallery “big enough to park a car in,” that run beside and under the two walls.

2. A new set of hieroglyphs were found, filmed and interpreted. Situated a considerable distance from the walls, and separated from the claims of what was supposed to be fraudulently concocted solely on those two walls, what was carved here is even more sensational. The message is simple: it confirms not only the death of Nefer-Ti-Ru but the exact place of his internment.

3. When Original Elder Aunty Minnie Mace was standing on-site with Egyptologist Ray Johnson, she found a piece of engraved metal jewellery. It is not magnetic nor made of iron ore or lead, and took Aunty Minnie “half an hour to clean off the dirt,” and may well be an ancient Egyptian relic, perhaps one of Nefer-Ti-Ru’s personal effects.

4. Original Elder Aunty Minnie Mace also found, or was led to, another object at the same place and time. She thinks it is a human bone. A bone specialist has since examined it and noted it “seems ancient” and could be the top part of a “femur.” Cat- scan analysis was inconclusive due to the staff’s unfamiliarity with bone that may be thousands of years old, but did note that “it has the same density as bone.”

5. The discovery by Dan Collins of an exotic basalt chisel encrusted with olivite crystals, which was found beneath the newly filmed panel of glyphs, is intriguing. This is sandstone country, and the claim “it most likely originated in Egypt” requires further investigation before acceptance. Nevertheless, it is another anomaly that needs to be acknowledged and considered.

6. Above and all around, and positioned within one kilometre of the walls, are hundreds of Original star markers. The closest to the glyphs, almost directly above, is a cluster of 14 stars which was charted and analysed through astro-cartography software at Sydney University and returned a date of 4,500 years.

7. To begin with we had no interest in the glyphs, we were approached by the group fighting for this land simply because of the archaeology we had seen and reported in a series of articles published in the National Indigenous Times and New Dawn. We have seen engravings amongst Original rock platforms in the immediate area of the Egyptian God Thoth in ibis/human form, in ape/human form, in judgement pose with a moon and sun in each hand, a separate Ankh and ibis footprint, the Egyptian God of Inheritance, an Egyptian boat, etc.

The walls … A much more detailed interpretation will be released on Youtube within the next two weeks (Egyptians in Australia-Part 5), but that is based on opinion and deduction, while all the seven sites/artefacts are written in stone and open to science. The two walls are a focal point, the reason why the other pieces of archaeology came into existence. When evaluating the bona fides of the hieroglyphs on the wall, the other seven pieces of evidence must be factored into that historical big-picture.

Separately each of these ‘non-wall’ artefacts deserve serious consideration, united they demand to be acknowledged. We believe what the Elders revealed during our interview (Egyptians in Australia-Part 2) is the final word and must be accepted as such, for they speak on behalf of their ancestors who were there at the time of arrival.

The rock ceiling above the walls collapsed in 1960 after a bulldozer drove on top, that recent event, along with the liberal application of “women’s urine” to the hieroglyphs, explains why the markings look so new. The Original reality is that there are two scripts on the walls, the younger is Proto-Egyptian and the more ancient is Original, thus explaining why modern-day experts can not fully interpret what was engraved. These are Original truths. The Original Elders past and present are adamant that ancient Egyptians are responsible for some of what is carved on stone walls: case closed.

Source: ABC Mid Coast News (Google Cache); Steven Strong

Photo Credit: ABC Kids

Mt Atlan and the Advanced Civilisation

Pangea animation

Alcheringa tells of the impact of a meteor which caused the fall of Atlantis and the loss of an advanced civilisation’s knowledge.

Following on from our previous article about our visit (by John and Myself) to Iceland, Upstairs has prompted me to write a little more about our adventure across the Atlantic Ocean and visiting Iceland.

The National Geographic magazine, September issue, had a lift-out map of the world’s Oceans, showing Earth’s most dynamic and least explored terrain is the bottom of the sea: the deepest canyons, broadest plains, and longest mountain ranges. New seafloor, born as molten rock, constantly spreads out from mid-ocean ridges while old seafloor plunges back into trenches – driving the movement of the planet’s tectonic plates.

To view and order a map of the World Map Beneath the Ocean, go this site. (You can enlarge the small map image on that page.)

While looking at the pyramid shaped mountain Bulandstindur I was advised it was the seat of Ancient Atlantis. Research later has shown the mountains in Iceland are the only ones showing above the Ocean belonging to the extraordinary Mid Atlantic Ridge –a 12,000 miles longest mountain range underwater.

Map of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which cirlces the Earth like a seam on a baseball
(view full size image here)

I also remembered Alcheringa has advised us of the asteroid going into the Caribbean waters. (You can read more on Wikipedia: see: Several other craters also appear to have been formed about the time of the K-T boundary. This suggests the possibility of near simultaneous multiple impacts, perhaps from a fragmented asteroidal object, similar to the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact with Jupiter. In addition to the 180 km Chicxuclub crater, there is the 24 km. Boltysh crater in Ukraine and the Silverpit crater, a suspected impact crater in the North Seas (60-65Ma), and the controversial and much larger 600km Shiva Crater. All of these are said to have contributed to the demise of the Dinosaurs.

Impact Craters

Multiple impact craters are thought to have contributed
to the demise of dinosours, millions of years ago

Alcheringa Speaks of Advanced Civilisations in the Past

Alcheringa has aready advised us that Uluru was brought to earth by the starpeople to destroy the Dinosaurs (you can read more about this here): I have asked Alcheringa to clarify the information for us:

“The Pyramid Mountain that you saw My Dear, was made by the starpeople – the ones that lived upon this Earth for many thousands of years.

“It was the original Mount Atlan, that is why the local people called it God’s Mountain. They knew that it had been made before Atlantis went down a long time ago. As we have said to you the Poles, North and South were in a different place before Atlantis went down. It was closer to the equator so that the land was warmer – and that is why Greenland is known as Greenland before Atlantis went down.


Búlandstindur was made by star-beings, thousands of years ago. It is the original Mt. Atlan
Alcheringa tells that Mountain Búlandstindur goes down under the Ocean much more than is realized.
(Image background rendered to reproduce the vision seen by Valerie and John from the vessel on the Golden Morning Sunrise)

“It is true that there were cities around the earth established by the starpeople; the beings from Venus. Sanat Kumara was the one in charge, the one who had been placed in charge after the developing of the Earth and the civilization. So … if there were explorations to be carried out by scientists near what is now called Iceland … there would be found evidence of an advanced civilization. Some of it has been buried in silt, but there is still evidence of it there.

A closer look at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which goes right through Iceland;
the red edges on the ridge indicate the age of the crust – it is oldest at this place

“As you were shown, Iceland was the head of the mountain range that existed right down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It was sitting on a plate, a tectonic plate, that moved and allowed explosions to take place right down the mid Atlantic Ocean. You will notice that there is a cleave right around the Carribbean Sea and that was an opening that was made by an ‘impact crater.’ That was an asteroid that was meant to be captured and held as a second moon around the Earth but the scientists of the existing beings upon this Earth lost control of it and it crashed on the planet Earth.

Chixalub impact region

Map of the shorelines of 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous (green), vs. today’s coastlines (grey)

“It was not a good idea … It was not planned properly … it was not a good plan at all. And so there was much disruption caused, not only in the land surrounding the Atlantic Ocean which was much smaller at that time … in fact it was divided and there was the whole of the north and south of the Americas on the left side, and on the right side it was connected to Eurasia and Africa. The lands were closer and joined together.

“There was a dreadful, dreadful upheaval upon the earth. And the Earth was known to have many who died. When the Earth survived the volcanic and earthquake activity, it moved into an Ice Age that allowed it to quieten inside … in the depths of its centre. And finally to come out of the Ice Age when all had settled, the dust had settled …and the clouds had moved and the Sun once more beamed onto the Earth …but it took a long time.

“In the meantime the starpeople, and I call them the starpeople, because they were not beings that you are … as humans … they were different. The Earth had advanced technically … but most of that knowledge was lost … although it is held in the ‘dreaming state’ of many scientists, they could recapture it if they allowed themselves to enter into a ‘lucid dream state’ and remember what had existed here on this Earth at another time.

“It was, at that time, technology that was more in ‘equation’ that was respectful to Mother Earth herself. And so the two worked together very well.

“The Tree of Knowledge is now releasing what caused the downfall of the Earth at that time and how it is slowly reviving.

“In your terms, I do not like to speak of a ‘time’ because in different dimensions time differs a little because of the vibrational frequency, but it would be safe to say Atlantis went down about 10,000 years ago – which is not very long in the evolutionary evolvement of the earth herself.

“It is an important stage of what happened upon this Earth to be considered by scientists. They need to accept that it took place. And how what was already here had to re-grow.”

When Alcheringa first showed me Uluru as coming from the stars and creating a great impact crater in the Eromanga sea (you can read about this here and here) — he also showed me later when Atlantis fell (by another asteroid) that it was virtually on the opposite side of the Earth but the huge impact then lifted Uluru and the impact crater of Central Australia. It would have been the convection (of gasses) that travelled there under the Earth that lifted the area….. when Atlantis went down.

Alcheringa tells ~ “The Tree of Knowledge is now releasing what caused the downfall of the Earth
at that time and how it is slowly reviving.”

Our journey across the Atlantic Ocean into the knowledge of Ancient Atlantis

Atlas and Plato

Plato taught that Atlantis fell into the sea in one day. On our voyage to Iceland, “upstairs” gave information about the fall of Atlantis.

The Athenian Philosopher, Plato wrote in the fourth century BC that Ancient Atlantis had existed 9,500 BC. Once upon a time, he wrote, There had been a magnificent seafaring civilization that existed that had attempted to take over the World but had perished when its island sank into the sea – the result of an unbearable cataclysm of earthquakes and floods. This civilization had heralded from the Atlantic Ocean, taking its name from the god Atlas who presided over the depths of the sea.

Atlas and Plato on Greek Mythology stamp

Atlas, Plato and the myth of Atlantis on a Greek mythology-series stamp

Plato recorded another Athenian Statesman named Solon in his dialogue TIMAEUS and CRITIAS, four centuries before Christ. Solon had travelled to Egypt and interviewed priests from the ancient city Sais on the Nile delta claiming to have escaped the worst of the disastrous floods, and so had been able to preserve their written records some of which dated back 9,600 BC before Solon’s visit.

The Heirokopolis painted tomb (website) dates 3,500 – 3,200 BC – a predynastic period with maps suggesting sea travel by early Egyptian boats. Here is a link to an interesting site – you can read more about Egyptian Priests describing the destruction of Atlantis to Solon.

St. Germain has given us a graphic description of when ancient Atlantis Fell. (You can read this here) He advised that there were many little Atlantis’s going down at the same time all over this Earth.

While John and I were sailing on a very big cruise ship on the Atlantic Ocean we passed a pointed mountain looking like a huge pyramid rising out of the Ocean. This was land we were passing as we made our way to the capital Reykjavik, in Iceland. On that morning the sun was just rising and cast a beautiful glow over the Ocean and the pyramid shaped mountain rising out of the sea. I felt it was probably covered with ice but with the reflection of the Sun it looked like a golden pyramid.

Pyramid shaped mountain Búlandstindur near Djúpivogur in Iceland

The pyramid shaped mountain Búlandstindur near Djúpivogur in Iceland

Bulandstindur is a mountain alongside Berufjordur, to the south of Breiddalsvik in eastern Iceland. The mountain is also known as God’s Rock, or Godabord. It got this name when locals supposedly threw their pagan items off the top of the mountain following Iceland’s conversion to Christianity in 1000 AD. Bulandstindur rises to 1,068m above sea level. There are a number of walking routes of varying difficulties leading to the top, from where the views are fantastic.

We were sailing from East to West on our way to the capital. (Land was well in view when I grabbed my camera to take the Golden photo out of our stateroom but unfortunately I missed the Pyramid shaped mountain bathed in the deep golden light.) Maybe spirit wanted me to see it surrounded by water – ready for me to understand that it was linked but not sunken with the sunken 12,000 mile mountain range under the Atlantic Ocean. It was definitely not a volcano – I remember thinking that and how strange the mountain appeared. There is a 12,000 mile Mid Atlantic Ridge going south from Iceland to opposite the Caribbean – it then goes all the way down to Antartica. If you Google Mid Atlantic Ridge all sorts of theories come up. You can read more about the Mid Atlantic Ridge on Wikipedia.

As I watched this beautiful pyramid mountain, looking through our stateroom window, ‘upstairs’ began talking to me and advising that Iceland was the seat of Ancient Atlantis. I had the feeling I was looking at the fabled Mount Atlan. My Mentor continued, “The Poles (North Pole, South Pole) were in a different place before Atlantis sank into the sea and that the land was in a warmer place”. He added, “The land was connected to what is now known as Russia and surrounding lands. Mt. Atlan is how the Atlantic Ocean was named.” Understanding was given that we lived on Earth as Light Beings who had come from Venus, 200,000 years earlier and we knew the value and power of crystals. We were highly evolved in technology and astronomy.

View out Porthole, near Iceland

As I watched it, looking through our stateroom window, ‘upstairs’ began talking to me

On the Earth, there also existed the descendents of the hairy ones who had less hair on their bodies and who had developed knowledge. They lived closer to the Equator. There was an edict from the Cosmic Hierarchy that the Atlanteans were not to mate with them – otherwise it would lower the frequency of their Light body. Many of the Atlantean people did mate with the earth people, lowering their light. Their children inherited a degree of the Atlantean ascended Light consciousness along with the existing earthman’s ancestral history of part Reptillian, part Mammalian and part earlier star people’s blood line from the Pleiades and Sirius.

I was reminded of how Osiris and Isis were said to have come from the Great North and walked into Ancient Egypt – helping to create a new culture. Pyramids were built at that time. They were tall, blonde and blue-eyed. The Pharaoic Kingdoms began after their arrival. They were gifted with extraordinary psychic abilities. Just before Atlantis Fell, when the Earth Fell into the 3rd Dimension, the Atlantean race of Light Beings left the Earth. That would have been 11,500 years ago. The survivors continued with what we know as the Ancient Egyptian civilisation and revered Osiris and Isis as their Gods.

Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye who has curly red/blonde hair

Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye who has curly red/blonde hair

Carbon dating by scientists could be confusing if a fall from 4th Dimensional vibrational frequency pre ‘Atlantis’ is not taken into account that the world afterwards operated in the 3rd Dimensional vibrational frequency.

It is interesting that when we visited the Cairo Museum ‘Mummies Room’ in Egypt, we found that many of the Pharaohs and their Queens had blonde or golden red hair. I believe the Ancient Egyptians referred to the race as The Hathors. They were said to be giant like. And images are drawn with emphasis on their ears that I believe is focusing on their ability to communicate by hearing telepathically.

When Atlantis FELL the world was reduced to the 3rd dimensional vibrational frequency, I was also introduced to a book ‘ When the Earth nearly Died’ by D.S Allan & J.B. Delair – published by Gateway Books, U.K. 1995. (Now published with a new title, Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C It is compelling evidence of a Catastrophic World Change 9,500 BC. You can read Madame Blavaktsky on DNA and Atlantis (the recently discovered Mitrochondral DNA confirms what Mme Blavatsky writes), and read an excerpt from this book here.

There are many theories as to what caused the catastrophic fall of Atlantis. “Upstairs” has advised that there were some of the Atlantean Race who were scientists – they wanted to capture a straying asteroid heading towards this planet. Despite warnings the scientists went ahead and tried to capture it only to lose control and it slammed into this planet. The galactic world of the Reptillian Race already had a base on our existing Moon. To counter that dominance was the reasoning behind the Atlantean scientists wanting to have equal control of this planet. Plato has recorded in his story the time of a huge explosion, when seas rose, land disappeared and volcanoes erupted and massive tectonic plates shifting. The Earth was then plunged into darkness, ice and cold. Survivors were living in caves around the world.

Plato's legend of Atlantis

Plato’s legend about the Fall of Atlantis occuring during the course of a single day

“This then would have been the first really modern human, upright, with large brain and developed larynx for speech. Culture, language and technology was almost lost as they struggled to survive being attacked by predators – hungry and cold – in the new dark age after the floods and dust cloud. Everything declined into a long period of chaos, isolation and racial amnesia. Perhaps being the distant ancestors of cultures like the Basques, Sumerians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Carians, Mayans, proto-North American Indians, Mayas, pre-Olmecs, and pre-Incas. ” (refer Nigel Blair) I would also add the Australian Aboriginals, the Israelites, Celts, Gauls and Occitans.

Another very interesting theory put forward has just been sent to me, by an Indian scholar.

“Shweta Saila” is a Sanskrit word meaning the “Isle of the White Cliffs”. Hindu sailors sailed to the English Channel. It appears in many early Vedic scriptures. Early settlers of Great Britain after the Great Deluge of the world-wide flood of between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago, were Hindus. Ancient Irish folklore tells of brown-skinned men who came in sailing ships from the east after the Deluge carrying knowledge of the stars, the gift of prophecy, and the ability to foretell the equinoxes. They sailed on towards the west “to see what was left of the world after the Great Flood”. The Irish begged them to stay but they said they were under orders to report back to their king. The British trace their language to its “Latin” roots, little realising that Latin and even Greek are directly descended from Sanskrit.

We Hindus are among the oldest people on this planet. Most Europeans, with one or two exceptions – such as the Basques of Spain – are our first cousins. They were among the Aryan races of India who emigrated into Europe when the ice over that continent, melted some 12,000 to 10,000 years ago.

Many Shiva temples have been found all over Europe, especially England and Ireland.The Druids of Europe and the British Isles were fire-worshipping Brahmins like us.

The Russians consider themselves a Vedic people and did indeed practice Shiva worship until the advent of Christianity about 1000 years ago. An Ancient Shiva temple and other shrines have been found in the permafrost in Siberia that is now thawing.

Norway, Denmark and Sweden, the Nordic peoples worshipped God with homas or sacrificial fires – exactly as we Hindus do. This is why they are called “Scandinavians”. It is a Sanskrit word that comes directly from the name of Lord Shiva’s son, Skanda.

Arya” never referred to any race but rather, to the noble qualities that good Hindus were supposed to inculcate, such as peaceful co-existence, abstention from eating meat, killing and religious bigotry. Sanskrit, the Indo European languages and the Aryan races went to Europe out of India and not the other way around. Heinrich von Max – Muller was the first to translate Sanskrit into English and thus opened up a hitherto lost world.”

I do know that Sanat Kumara has stated that he has never incarnated into an earth body but that he was a Light Being living on earth pre-Atlantean times. His place of living was where the Gobi desert now exists. There where many white buildings and temples built in large circles with canals of water. Sanat Kumara is revered as a God Being by the Hindu people.

Hanuman is also revered and he is said to be the one who loved God the most. I believe he represents the first human. And the first humans were the Australian Aborigines. They have dreaming stories of how they travelled the earth in boats in a figure eight. They also have dreaming stories of a great cataclysm and floods.

The body that Sri Sathya Sai Baba took while on Earth looked very like the early Dravidians and Tamils of India. Genetically look like the Australian Aborigine people.

My mentors advise that when the Earth FELL into the 3rd dimension the Cosmic Heirarchy put an edict out that an energetic net was to be placed around the earth to contain the catastrophic effects of the event. Now we have been reassured by The Hierarchy that no asteroid will be allowed to hit our planet again. What is happening is the gradual lifting of the 3rd dimensional frequency of everything here, including our consciousness taking us into the 4th dimension and on to the 5th dimension that has long been forecast as the new Golden Age.

After the ‘Turning Point’ – December Solstice 2012

My Mentors advise that our future, after the ‘Turning Point of Dimensional Frequencies’ brings us into a vibrational alignment with a core of suns within the Universe … is a time that will move steadily for the Earthling’s growth. The ‘net’ that had been placed around the Earth for containment will match the new energy that is coming onto this Earth. The Earth’s changes will begin to settle and become calm.

As for the people we will also become calm, it will perhaps take a little longer than the Earth herself, but people will be able to think more clearly – be more connected to their ‘higher selves,’ to the God Consciousness that is within them.