United Planetary Nations: The Message

In the Mystery School, the Source (God) continues to speak through the Oracle. Just as there are dimensions the human eye cannot perceive, so also, there are beings – here on Earth – that we are unable to see. There are beings from the star worlds helping the earthling as we write. Many are Light Workers, and many will Ascend to be light workers also. The message of the Source and the message of the United Planetary Nations is a message of Love, a message of reassurance: all are ONE with the Source of the Creation of the All. Hence, there is no reason to have fear. You may read more here.


Paradise: The End of the Dinosaurs and the rise of Christ Energy

The Source (God) continues to answer the questions of the participants in The Mystery School. In order to know our future and the energies the Earth is moving into – along with all that live upon Her – we must learn the history of Earth’s past and why older energies – such as that of the Dinosaurs – must be dispersed. The new energy is the 5th Energy, the energy that is coming from the suns aligned with the core of suns reaching back to the Creative Source of the All. It is from here that the Christ energy is flooding on the Earth. You may read more here.


The Showing en-masse: The Star Ships, the Star People

The Mystery School joins together once again and draws upon the sacred energies to hold a space wherein their time, talents and resources are offered to The Source – the Creative Source of the All, often called GOD – so that understanding and explanations come forth and mankind can take up its true heritage among the United Planetary Nations. In this session, questions about The Showings en-masse are answered, along with reminders about light bodies, the Man and the Human, who has the light within. You can read more here in the Mystery School.


From Nuclear Threats to Peace with Prayer

It is rare to hold a sacred space wherein the Divine, the Creative Source of the All may transmit messages with clarity and ensure proper reception and understanding of the message. Whatever the question, whatever the prompt, the filters of interpretation fall away when the Creative Source of the ALL speaks in reply. In this session, questions are asked about the behaviour of world leaders – unpredictable and sometimes erratic – and the threat of nuclear war. The Source (God) replies with intentionality not found in the world’s scriptures. You can read more here in the Mystery School.


Conscious, Consciousness and Super Consciousness

The ladies of The Mystery School join together once again to bring forth messages in service of humanity. Like the sides of the pyramid, the energy pours down into the participants and creates a sacred space for a flow of knowledge and understanding for all who reside here on Earth. Where the human picks up a telephone and speaks, or uses a computer camera and microphone to communicate with another who is far away, these tasks can be achieved using consciousness only. The Source (God) tells that such things are possible, in the now. There is also important clarification about time, space and the human experience in the body. The body is only one chapter in the many lives and many bodies the soul has taken up. You can read more here in the Mystery School.


The Beginning of Disclosure: Starships en-masse


The New Year dawns with its promise of human flourishing, and the multiple cycles of life – here on this planet Earth and elsewhere on the billions and billions of stars in all the universes. The Ladies of the Mystery School meet for the first time in 2017 – a ‘One’ year and so it is a time of new beginnings. The Source of All Creation speaks through Valerie and confirms a long held thought of the star-ships being visible and seen during the year. Archangel Mikael also takes a role. Read more about this disclosure announcement!

The Coming Waves of Calm


The Ladies of the Mystery School continue their service of humanity. Their time, talents and resources are offered here for all who seek to understand their past, and look to a coming world of harmony, cooperation and understanding among those of all creeds, all colours, all races. As our galaxy dances along the precession around the Galactic Centre, humanity on Planet Earth – along with the star-people on other stars – experience different ages with their distinct energy, disposition and confrontations to the daily living of life. The energies differ in the different ages – called yugas – very large cycles of time. A question is asked about the current cycle – called the Age of Iron or Kali Yuga – where is our planet, where are all the races, all the peoples – are we still in Kali Yuga or is there some other energy demographic, span of time present, forthcoming, due, expected?? The Source has intriguing answers which call for reflection … Read more about the cycles of time as energy waves and how the waves are experienced.

Earth: A cleansing ~ with your help ~ is needed


Continuing their session with the sanctified Oracle and the Source, the Ladies of the Mystery School continue their service. A question about the presence of a starperson reveals a body of wise star-peoples bounded together to help – similar to the United Nations – but with more knowledge and wisdom. The Source speaks of the atmosphere and its energetic/psychic pollution and how this needs to be removed. To raise in consciousness – in step with the Earth (who is also raising in consciousness) and Ascension to the higher dimensions, the 5th and 6th and up, every man and woman must do their part, and must ask for help when it is needed. The United Planets – who are waiting to help – cannot give aid or assistance unless they are invited. The Source (God) explains more. Read what The Source (God) says about our atmosphere and the polluted energetic within.